.BYF. i like a lot of artists but i prioritize ateez ១ part time votiny/streamtiny ១ i spam tweet sometimes ១ excessive amounts of ripping my hair out over silly insignificant things ១ lot of tweets ab food i make or cats i see ១ occasional kms jokes ១ almost never spoiler free but i do my best to tag properly ១ kind of the worst with dms. i'm much more comfy interacting on the tl ១ i do not use tone indicators but if you need me to just lmk !
.DFI. under 18 (current moots ok !) ១ general dni ១ genuinely shipping real people or crossing boundaries as a fan ១ if you don't hold your faves accountable ១ defending your faves is chill but if you're in fanwars every other day i'll probably sb ១ i don't mind if we have differing faves just don't fill my tl with constant negativity towards mine or the sb will be Swift..

≡ I Love Them

.MOST IMPORTANT. ateez · ot8 + tropical boys ១ loona · ot12 ១ iu ១ ichiko aoba ១ nine.i · seowon + ot10 ១ zb1 · jiwoong + taerae + zhanghao

.૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა♡. victon · seungwoo ១ imfact · jeup ១ evnne ១ loossemble ១ artms ១ chuu ១ yves ១ fromis_9 ១ aespa ១ le sserafim ១ stayc ១ xg ១ dreamcatcher ១ most ggs tbh

.OTHERS. taeyeon ១ jo yuri ១ laufey ១ lexie liu ១ alice phoebe lou ១ lamp ១ the marías ១ tennis

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bears, silly ocean creatures, yellow, green, blue, works by shirahama kamome, animated movies, animanga in general, osts, discovering new music, making playlists i listen to once, cooking, baking, very casual g@ming (loz, omori, hsr, gi, idv, ow, etc)

Dislikes ✘

edgy stans, teez antis, overly negative people.